Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Good Karma

Greg called me this morning and said he was kind of sad. I asked why and he said he'd tried to save a little bird that got caught in some kind of trap....I didn't exactly understand what kind of trap it was. He got it out, but the little thing died in his hand. It is sad indeed. But he did a good thing in trying to rescue it and good karma will be his in return. He can take comfort knowing the bird isn't suffering or in pain now and it was better for it to die in his gentle hands and not the trap.

This reminds me of another story someone told me that crave your own rubber stamp party I went to. A woman there was telling us about these neighbors she had who had a cat that was mean and unfriendly. It would come to her yard and she has an orange tree in her yard so when the cat would come over, she'd pick the rotten oranges off the ground and try to nail him with them.

**side note: Now.....would you be sweet and friendly if someone was trying to hit you with rotten fruit? Just sayin'...

Okay, anyway. The neighbors move and left the cat behind. Didn't care. Didn't want him.

**Another side note: So you think he had a good home where he was loved and taken care of? Just sayin'...

One day she was in her backyard and could see the cat trying to jump the fence from "his yard" to another yard. However, he was unable to get the strength to make it over. He gave up and laid down in shade. No one had moved into the house, so he had been alone over there for some time. She became concerned that he might not be eating or drinking enough....

**Uh.....ya think!??! Rolls eyes.

She got some food and water and took it over and he gratefully ate and drank. Eventually she let him call her garage his new home, tho it didn't sound like she ever considered him adopted or "her cat"....more like a cat that she let sleep in her garage and she fed it. Ok, so one day she has a BBQ and there are people mingling is the cat. By the way, she named him Nasty.....I'm not even going to say anything about that. Alright, so a friend sees Nasty and walks over to pet him and pick him up. Just as she was picking him up, the woman blurts out a warning that the cat isn't friendly, blah, blah, blah. Except she cuts her warning short because the cat and woman are being all lovey-dovey....and the cat is purring up a storm. She said she has never been so shocked....this horrible cat was actually being nice to this woman. I asked her if the woman had adopted him....and sadly, she had not. He lived his life in her garage until the day he died of old age. She said mean cats live the longest. As far as luck goes, Nasty was lucky she took pity on him and gave him what she did. He could have been homeless and died of starvation or some other horrible death, so what he had was good.

HOWEVER, it was very hard for me not to point out a few things to her (people quite often do not appreciate my honest views on things). I wanted to ask her if she had ever tried to be nice to this pet it or something. It was good of her to feed and house him, I'm totally giving her that, but had she tried to be affectionate? I think we all know the answer....I mean, she named him Nasty. A part of me feels bad that the cat probably didn't have much in the way of affection in his life, but much more of me is happy that she did what she did and made his life comfortable. I just think that if she had taken that extra step with him, both she and the cat would have gained so much more from their "relationship".


Anonymous said...

I kinda of like the name Nasty...I think I may name of of my fish that...


Anonymous said...

name ONE of my fish that...

*sigh* should have previewed ;)

Kitty said...

*shakes head*

 Hello, I'm still here!